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What is Digital Defog Technology in CCTV System??

Hikvision Digital Defog Technology 

By modeling the imaging features of smoke, dust, fog, etc., defog technology effectively restores details and color to obtain accurate and natural video. Defog technology helps maintain clarity in images captured in poor weather conditions such as rain, smog, or fog. 

Learn more about Hikvision Digital Defog Technology


Hassnaa Mohamed
sales Representative
Email: hassnaa.busma@gmail.com
Website: www.busmaeg.com
Address:14 Abd Elhay Hegazy From Abbas Elakad St.,Nasr City,Cairo .

What is Digital Defog Technology in CCTV System?? مراجعة Unknown يوم فبراير 25, 2018 التقييم: 5

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