BLC (Back Light Compensation)
BLC (Back Light Compensation)
BLC (Back Light Compensation) compensates for the luminance of video captured in a backlit environment, while maintaining the luminance of the overall video sequence. Simply put, BLC enables objects that appear dark to be visible against a very bright background such as in front of a window or entrance. BLC is usually effective for some specific region in the video, as the background is usually overexposed.
In images where a bright light source is behind the subject of interest, the subject would normally appear in silhouette. BLC allows the camera to adjust the exposure of the entire image to properly expose the subject in the foreground. WDR is a more effective alternative to BLC because it handles multiple exposure zones to give both the highlight and low light areas a proper exposure.
Hassnaa Mohamed
sales Representative
Address:14 Abd Elhay Hegazy From Abbas Elakad St.,Nasr City,Cairo .
BLC (Back Light Compensation)
مراجعة Unknown
فبراير 25, 2018
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