WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)
WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)
In conditions with very bright and dark areas, such as at an entrance door in an office building or an entranceway to an indoor parking garage or tunnel, a camera may capture over-exposed images in bright areas and under-exposed images in dark areas, which greatly affects image quality. A camera with WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) can help solve this issue. By combining images with short exposure (for bright areas) and long exposure (for dark areas) into one image, WDR technology captures both bright areas and dark areas clearly.
Hassnaa Mohamed
sales Representative
Email: hassnaa.busma@gmail.com
Website: www.busmaeg.com
Address:14 Abd Elhay Hegazy From Abbas Elakad St.,Nasr City,Cairo .
WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)
مراجعة Unknown
فبراير 25, 2018
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